Mobilegeddon! - See why mobile-friendliness is crucial for any website
Google is very serious when it comes to todays websites being mobile as well as hand held device friendly. For example during the summer of 2015 they've once again changed their search algorithm. The impact of this change affected primarily the ranking of websites: those that perform well on mobile devices are getting a better ranking. Not to comply to this would be quite foolish. Let's see why.
Less search engine traffic = Less interest
Although Google says - and the latest studies confirm - that desktop search results are not affected by this change, mobile search results have already been greatly impacted. On an average, the websites that have NOT complied to Googles policy have lost about 25% of their mobile search traffic. Taking into consideration the total search traffic a website gets, this is a significant decrease. It could also easily translate into a loss of business traffic. has seriously addressed this issue in order to help our website owners.
All websites created with the platform are skillfully prepared, so when published, they appear properly in the search engines. In addition, the platform is engineered to stay mobile-friendly.'s background system is constantly being up-dated in order to always render your website's pages in a way that they comply with Google's requirements. We are constantly monitoring Google's ever-changing expectations. So, rest assured, your professional Hello.websites will always be in our good hands.
To achieve even better ranking in the search results please pay attention to these suggestions

1. Be very concise in your formulation!
Yes, copywriting is a profession. However learning learn how to write SEO friendly content isn’t exactly rocket science. Remember to align and change your content according to Google's feedbacks. You can get feedback by starting to use our free add-ons for Google Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics, both totally free!
2. Don't crowd your pages!
Go for clear and clean pages! While viewing your website content via a mobile device, the visitor is less patient than viewing on a desktop. If you will give them quick results and concise information, they will be grateful and most probably return next time they need similar information.
3. Test, test, test!
Once you have published your website, it is really important to test it on mobile devices too. This is the only way to see your website as your visitors are going to see it. View it on as many different mobile devices as possible and make corrections if needed! Use clean text blocks, optimize your images! Don't be afraid to be a minimalist here, because minimalism is your best friend when it comes to the mobile world.